FANKO || फन्को || New Nepali Movie 2016/2073 BS - Ft. Saugat Malla/Dayahang Rai/Keki Adhikari ******************************************************** HMMT Movies Presents "FANKO" A Film by: Subarna Thapa Actors : Dayahang Rai, Saugat Malla, Priyanka Karki, Keki Adhikari & Anup Baral Music: Chetan Sapkota Producer: Narendra Maharjan Direction: Subarna Thapa
October 26, 2017
FANKO || फन्को || New Nepali Movie 2016/2073 BS - Ft. Saugat Malla/Dayahang Rai/Keki Adhikari ******************************************************** HMMT Movies Presents "FANKO" A Film by: Subarna Thapa Actors : Dayahang Rai, Saugat Malla, Priyanka Karki, Keki Adhikari & Anup Baral Music: Chetan Sapkota Producer: Narendra Maharjan Direction: Subarna Thapa
Dayahang Rai,
Keki Adhikari,
New Movie,
Saugat Malla
पशुपति प्रसाद
October 26, 2017
Tukee Arts & Dipendra K. Khanal Production Presents !!!
Starring: Khagendra lamichhane, Barsha Shiwakoti, Bipin Karki, Prakash Ghimire, Rabindra Singh Baniya, Mishree Thapa, Ashish Adhikari
Music: Hari Lamsal
Action: Surya Thokar
Cinematographer: Nijaj Kadel
Editor: Dirgha Khadka
Executive Producer: Rojina Sitaula
© Highlights Nepal Pvt. Ltd.
Co-Producer: Arjun Karki (swami), Ashis Adhikari
Producer: Rajana Napit
Writer: Khagendra Lamichhane
Story/Direction: Dipendra K. Khanal
Barsha Raut,
Bipin Karki,
Khagendra Lamichhane
टलक्जंग vs टुल्के
October 26, 2017
Nepali Movie "Talakjung Vs Tulke"
Selected for 'Best Foreign Language Film Category' for Academy Awards 2016 (Oscar) by Foreign Language Film Selection Committee (Nepal)
Cast: Khagendra Lamichhane, Sushank Mainali, Richa Sharma, Prakash Ghimire, Rabindra Singh Baniya, Raj Thapa, Hum B.C, Sudam CK, Buddhi Tamang, Junu Bista , Rajani Gurung
Special Appearance: Dayahang Rai
Color Grading : Aiess Alonso
VFX: Prabin Manandhar
Action: Asta Maharjan
Choreographer: Gamvir Bista
Lyrics: Nischal Basnet
Producer: Ramkumar Baniya, Rojina Sitaula, Sita Shrestha
Singers: Sumnima Singh, Roshan Thapa, NischalBasnet, Sarada Adhikari
Music: Jeson Kunwar
Cinematography: Ser B Lama
Editor: Lokesh Bajracharya
Executive Producer: Rabindra Singh Baniya
Director: Nischal Basnet
Story/Screenplay/Dialogue: Khagendra Lamichhane
I Am Sorry Ft. Saugat Malla, Priyanka Karki
October 26, 2017
Flim Song,
Saugat Mall,
प्रियान्का कार्कि
Nira | Full Audio Lyrical Song - Purano Dunga
October 26, 2017
Dayahang Rai,
Flim Song,
प्रियान्का कार्कि
साझा सवाल अङ्क ५१५ प्रदेश सरकारको संरचना अनि संञ्चालन विधि कस्तो ?
October 26, 2017
प्रदेश सरकारको संरचना कस्तो हुनेछ? यसको संचालन विधि कस्तो हुनेछ ? यस बिषयमा प्रष्ट पार्न नेपाली कांग्रेसका नेता रमेश लेखक र नेकपा एमालेका नेता प्रदीप ज्ञवाली यो साताको साझा सवालमा ।
sajha sawal
साझा सवाल अङ्क ५१४ वीरगन्ज, जनकपुरलाई कस्तो शहर बनाउने योजना छ मेयरहरूको ?
October 26, 2017
वीरगन्ज, जनकपुर लगायत दुई नम्बर प्रदेशका प्रमुख शहरहरूलाई निर्वाचित प्रतिनिधिहरू कस्तो बनाउन चाहन्छन् ? अनि मतदाताको अपेक्षा चाहिँ के छ ?
sajha sawal
साझा सवाल अङ्क ५१२ विभिन्न जात-जाति र समुदायको साँस्कृतिक पहिचान
October 26, 2017
अनेकतामा एकता, एकताभित्रको विविधता । यसपालीको साझा सवालमा नेवाः समुदायको मालश्री र धिमे बाजा, मिथिलाको जट-जटिन, तामाङ समुदायको डम्फु र टुङ्ना, उर्दू भाषी मुस्लिमहरूको 'मुसाएरा', मगर समुदायको कौरा (कान्द्राहा), थारू समुदायको सखिया-लाठी नाच अनि दलित समुदायका (दमाई)हरूले बजाउने गरेको पन्चेबाजा । - अरू धेरैलाई समेटन बाँकिनै छ । समयक्रमसँगै अनुकुलता हेरि बाँकि समुदायको सँस्कृतिलाई पनि अवस्य समेटने छौं । कार्यक्रममा सहभागी भएर मद्दत गर्नुहुने सम्पूर्ण कलाकार मित्रजन तथा संयोजन गरि मद्दत दिनुहुने मित्रहरूलाई धेरै धेरै धन्यवाद ।
sajha sawal
साझा सवाल अङ्क ५११ सुदूरमा स्वास्थ्यका कुरा
October 26, 2017
साझा सवालमा यो साता सुदूरमा स्वास्थ्यका कुरा । सात नम्बर प्रदेशमा उपलब्ध स्वास्थ्य सेवा बारे डडेल्धुरा, डोटी र कैलाली जिल्लाहरू घुमेर तयार गरिएको साझा सवाल ।
sajha sawal
साझा सवाल अङ्क - ५१० बिदेशमा रोजगारी गर्न जानेका दुःख सुखका कुरा
October 26, 2017
बिदेशमा रोजगारी गर्ने दाजुभाइ - दिदीबहिनीका दुःख सुखका कुरा अनि सरकारले वैदेशिक रोजगारलाई व्यवस्थित गर्न गरिरहेका प्रयास के के छन त ? श्रम तथा रोजगार मन्त्री फरमुल्लाह मन्सुरसँग भुक्तभोगीहरूको सवाल जवाफ ।
sajha sawal
साझा सवाल अङ्क ५०७ - संघीय नेपालमा शिक्षाको संरचना कस्तो ?
October 26, 2017
संघीय नेपालमा शिक्षाको संरचना कस्तो हुनेछ त ? शिक्षा मन्त्रालयका प्रवक्ता, सहसचिव हरि लम्साल, पूर्व शिक्षा राज्यमन्त्री धनमाया विके र सांसद, प्राध्यापक गणेशमान गुरूङसँग काठमाडौमा गरिएको बहस ।
sajha sawal
साझा सवाल अङ्क ५०५ मुग्लिङ नारायणघाट सडक निर्माणमा ढिलाई
October 26, 2017
मुग्लिङ- नारायणघाट सडक निर्माणमा किन ढिलाई भइरहेको छ? मुग्लिङ- नारायणघाट सडकमा यात्रा गरेर तयार पारिएको साझा सवालमा यात्रु, चालक, निर्णाण व्यवसायी, स्थानीय नागरिक, चितवनका प्रमुख जिल्ला अधिकारी, प्रहरी प्रमुख, राजनीतिक नेताहरू र विज्ञसँग गरिएको कुराकानी समेटिएको छ।
sajha sawal
साझा सवाल अङ्क ५०४ संघीय नेपालमा कृषिको विकास कसरी ?
October 26, 2017
संघीय प्रणाली अन्तर्गत निर्वाहमुखी कृषिलाई कसरी मनग्य आम्दानी हुने पेशा बनाउन सकिएला ? यो साता नवलपरासी र चितवनका किसानहरूसँग बहस गर्दैछन् कृषि विभागका महानिर्देशक डिलाराम भण्डारी, कृषि तथा वन विज्ञान विश्वविद्यालय रामपुरका प्राध्यापक कल्याणी मिश्र त्रिपाठी र सफल किसान गीता देवकोटा ।
sajha sawal
साझा सवाल अङ्क - ५०३ - गाउँपालिका/नगरपालिकाको लागि श्रोत व्यवस्थापन
October 26, 2017
गाउँपालिका/नगरपालिकाले शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य, सडक लगायत विकास खर्च गर्न आवश्यक धनराशी जुट्छ चाँहि कसरी ? नेपाली कांग्रेसका सांसद रीता शाही नेपालगंज उप महानगरपालिकाका मेयर धवलशमशेर राणा र राष्ट्रिय योजना आयोगका पूर्व उपाध्यक्ष युवराज खतिवडासँगको बहस ।
sajha sawal
साझा सवाल अङ्क - ५०२ कस्तो स्मार्ट सिटी ?
October 26, 2017
चुनावका बेला स्मार्ट सिटी, स्याटलाइट सिटी, मेगा सिटी बनाइदिने घोषणा त खुब आयो। खासमा ‘राम्रो सहर’ हुन्छ चाँहि कस्तो? ललितपुर महानगरपालिकाका प्रमुख चिरीबाबु महर्जन, धुलिखेल नगरपालिकाका प्रमुख अशोक ब्याँञ्जु र काठमाडौं उपत्यका विकास प्राधिकरणका आयुक्त भाइकाजी तिवारीसँगको बहस ।
sajha sawal
वडा नम्बर ६
October 26, 2017
Movie: Woda Number 6
Actors: Deepak Raj Giri, Priyanka Karki, Jitu Nepal, Kedar Ghimire, Sitaram Kattel, Dayahang Rai, Kishor Khatiwada, Dipa Shree Niraula, Ranjita Gurung,Shivahari Poudel, Sandip Chhetri, Wilson Bikram Rai etc.
Music/Lyrics: Rajan raj Siwakoti (Surke Thaili)
Singer: Rajan Raj Shiwakoti, Anju Panta, Raju Biswokarma (Surke Thaili)
Singer/Music: Sugam Pokhrel/Preeti Kaur(Waiyat Chha Timro Lovestory)
Lyrics: Deepak Raj Giri
Choreographer: Shankar B.C, Gamvir Bista
Editor: Gautam Raj Khadka
Cinematography: Deepak Bajracharya
Action: Roshan Shrestha
Colorist: Kapli Parajuli
Story/Dialogue : Deepakraj Giri
Director: Ujjwal Ghimire
Screenplay: Abhimanyu Neerabi
Producer: Aama Saraswoti Gita Devi Films
October 26, 2017
It involves the psycho-social conflict of characters that leads to unusual circumstances and raises unsolved questions. The story is built around members of a lower-middle-class family living in an urban slum. Poverty is the part of their lives, and the insecurity that comes with having to worry about whether their house might collapse is ever-present. The film was directed by Joes Pandey and produced by Sameer Mainal.
Krishna is a paper boy, and his mother works as a sweeper. Krishna falls in love with Kamala, a domestic worker to a rich family, and the two marry. The film portrays the psychology of the newly wedded couple who are powerless to do anything about the physical distance that is imposed upon them because of his mother's constant presence in their shared room.
Sameer Mainali Production Presents
Movie : "Sanghuro"
Producer : Sameer Mainali
Director : Joes Pandey
Story / Screenplay : Binod Paudel
Co- Producer : Mountain River Pvt.Ltd
Cast : Daya Hang Rai, Shushank Mainali, Deeya Maskey, Aruna Karki
Rabi Gin, Gopal Acharya, Pushpa Acharya, Bijay Barl , Sameer Bagale, Buddhi Tamang,
Music Arrangement / Production : Udgam Pariyar
Cinematography : Sushan Prajapati
Music /Vocal : Madan Gopal
Lyrics : Abeeral Thapa
Colorist : Sudeep Shrestha
Sound Design / Final Mixing : Uttam Neupane
Background Score : Udgam Pariyar, Jibesh Shah
Editor : Anjjay Khadka
Make Up : Saroj Budhathoki
Aruna Karki,
Dayahang Rai,
Deeya Maskey,
Shushank Mainali
October 26, 2017
Nepali Movie – Junge
Starring – Suraj Singh Thakuri, Reecha Sharma, Sikha Shahi, Anup Baral, Sushil Raj Pandey, Joes Pandey, Sushank Mainali, Najir Hussain, MS Agraj etc.
Director – Utkal Thapa
Nepali movie ‘Junge’ is a presentation of Ideas & Images and Avana Productions in association with Ashok Gautam Films. The action movie is produced jointly by the director Utkal Thapa with cinematographer Sushan Prajapati. The screenplay of the movie is written by MS Agraj and Subash Koirala. The editor is Ujjawal Dhakal, music composer is Almoda Upreti, lyrics by Manas Raj, background scroe by Iman Bikram Shah, choreography by Rajendra Rajbahak, and action by Samrat Basnet.
Najir Hussain,
Suraj Singh Thakuri
October 26, 2017
Gaatho (Nepali: गाँठो) is a 2016 Nepalese Art film directed by Suraj Bhusal and produced by Tilak Bahadur Chhetri .The film stars Najir Hussain , Abhaya Baral and Namrata Shrestha in lead role .
Abhay Baral,
Love story,
Najir Hussain,
Namrata Shrestha
October 25, 2017
The film begins with the story of Haku Kale (Saugat Malla) doesn't want to live his life in poverty. He plans to rob a bank. According to his plan he needs four guys who are in dire need of money. The story begins with the song "Paisa" and, after the song, the team plans on the roof of a building. The members are Gofle (Dayahang Rai), Nare (Karma Shakya), Khatri (Prateek raj Neupane) and Pandey (Sushil Raj Pandey).
Dayahang Rai,
Richa Sharma,
Saugat Mall,
Sushil Raj Pandey,
Sushma Karki
October 25, 2017
Hostel is 2013 teenage Nepalese film directed by new director Hemraj Bc. and produced by Sunil Rawal under Durgish Films banner. The film debuted second generation faces in the film industry.
The film stars new actors of Nepalese film industry like Anmol K.C.,Gaurav Pahadi, Salon Basnet, Rista Basnet. This film also debuted model Prakreeti Shrestha as actress. The film is about the struggling life of teenagers in hostel. It features love, betrayal, friendship,emotions, family ties and so on.
Anmol K.C,
Gaurav Pahadi,
Prakirti Shrestha,
Salon Basnet
वीर बिक्रम
October 25, 2017
Bir (Dayahang Rai) and Bikram(Anoop Bikram Shahi) who are Best Friend have different thoughts about what they are going to be when they are older.
Bir tries helps when Bikram doesn't have any money to educate himself but they separate from each other when they are 6 year old but Bir gives a 1 rupee coin which has text saying Bir Bikram.
After the separate Bir becomes a country boy (farmer) but Bikram becomes a teacher with a degree in Kathmandu.After while Bikram returns to see Bir in the village but both don't recognize each other.But Bikram decides to get him a Girlfriendwhich Bir loves.
Joon (Deeya Pun) and Bir (Dayahang Rai) love each other but Bir doesn't express his feeling to Joon because he had promised Bikram he will keep Joon safe.But Joon had forgotten everything about Bikram since he had left her when she was young (relationship).When Bikram arrives at the villages he decides to do something nice for him to get Joon and Bir together.When trying to get them each other Bikram has to become a villain of Bir but he gets them each other at the end.
Aaitey (Arpan Thapa) is the richest guy on the village and he loves Joon but Joon doesn't like Aaitey.Aaitey brings a road to the village which got him a lot of money from people and respect.
Man Bahadur Bishwokarma also knows as Maney (Najir Hussain) is a storyteller of the village he tells everyone what happening to each other but they have pay him to know the full story.But he has a sister which is pregnant but she isn't accepted by the society in the village but Bir settles the controversy about his sister.
At the middle of movie Bir's mother dies Bir gets so upset about this he goes every where to find money to pay for her funeral than he decides to sell a donkey which have been with him since 18.
Aaitey (Arpan Thapa) approaches Joon's father for an Arranged marriage but he gets denied by Joon but her father accepts because he wants to see his daughter at better place because he is the wealthy person on the village and pays Joon's father million rupees and say i will keep her as queen than she decides to ran away with Bir but while she was with Bir Aaitey attacks Bir nearly leading to his death but Bikram comes and saves him .
Anup Bikram Shahi,
Arpan Thapa,
Dayahang Rai,
Diya Pun,
Love story,
Najir Hussain
October 25, 2017
Lukamari means hide and seek. The film story is based on a police investigation of a murder case of a school girl Rupa K.C. As the film unfolds, the case gets connected to the tenants of Musya Sahu and the hide and seek between cops and criminals starts. The movie starts when two undercover veteran crime investigating agents meet co-incidentally and start sharing a same room in some place in Kathmandu valley. In the movie they are investigating two seemingly different cases. One cop is seen investigating murder case of a young girl and another cop is seen finding clues about murder of two young boys. The cop in girl's murder case is dragged to Kathmandu due to the relation of the girl with a suspicious sick teacher of her and another cop finds some papers of land in the crime scene that gives hint about the criminal's location. To keep the mission secret both the cops change their names, jobs and motives of living in the valley without any idea about each other's reality. The movie starts with some comedy and proceeds with the suspicious acts of all the actors in the screen. The movie also showcases some side characters like a priest, some drug addict youths and a tea shopkeeper who initially seem to be present for comedy but things change afterwards. As the film reaches to its interval there start a rapid change in all aspects. The two cops spying on a young girl living in the same house as they do and a love affair between a married women and a handsome landlord carries the comedy till the end but every minute brings few more thrill as the suspense starts disclosing. The two cops again meet co-incidentally to find out each other's identity. They share their investigations just to know that their cases are somehow interconnected. At the climax, they find out that both their suspect lives next door to them. The suspect happens to be the husband of the women who is in affair with the landlord. So the cops use the landlord to get into the suspect's room and after finding a solid proof of him being the criminal, they raid in his house a thrilling chase begins. The chase discloses the reasons of murder and also the identities of some seemingly less significant characters like the priest. The movie focuses on comedy, thrill, suspense, Nepalese crime fighting methods and also some problems of Kathmandu like unemployment, lack of water and prostitution.
Bikram Singh Tharu,
Saugat Malla,
Surabina Karki
October 25, 2017
- Shristi Shrestha as Sujata Shakya/Kumari
- Anmol K.C. as Aarav
- Salon Basnet as Tanke
- Gaurav Pahari as Om
- Menuka Pradhan,as Prakriti/sister of Aarav
- Rohhan Rai as Rohhan
- Gauri Malla
Anmol K.C,
Shristi Shrestha
October 25, 2017
He is casonava and defines love as like a Chinese Mobile that has no warranty, but his definition fails when he meets adorable Akanshya (Anna Sharma) on trip to Mustang. Akanshya loves photography.This film is all about the journey of love between Jerry and Akanshya which eventually ends sadly with the death of Jerryy. Jerryy is Nepalese teen film directed by Hemraj B.C and produced by Manoj Sherchan under falcon pictures.The film stars Anmol K.C., Anna Sharma, Amalia Sharma, Abhishek man sherchan and Gaurav Pahadi.
- Anmol K.C. as Jaiveer Rana a.k.a.Jerryy
- Anna Sharma as Akanshya
- Amaliya Sharma
- Gaurav Pahadi
- Abhishek Man Sherchan
- Yash RJB
Amalia Sharma,
Anmol K.C,
Anna Sharma
October 25, 2017
The film starts with the death of Aveer's father while trying to save a kid from a truck accident. Aveer is a millionaire, and claims that he has no interest in love. Some boys chase a girl, played by VJ Sandhya KC, who successfully escapes from them and enters a basketball ring, where she encounters the boss of the gang, and they try to rape her. At the critical moment, Aveer enters the scene and saves her by defeating them.
Aveer attends his first conference in his own Fulbari Hotel and Spa in Pokhara, which his father had owned. Aveer now becomes the chairperson of the resort and spa. On the same night, Aveer and his friends drink in a bar club. Aveer sees Kavya dancing gracefully, so he tries to flirt with her. But little did he knew, she isn't the type of girl who gets wooed easily. She humiliates him in front of her friends in public. They two encounter each other several times followed by words of hatred and repulsion towards each other. Surprisingly, their hatred changes into love. Kavya works as an accountant in his resort and since then they start to learn about each other and spend time together. Kavya is an orphan and has deep affection for her orphanage.
One day, Aveer had a dream where Kavya dies in a car accident. He claimed that his dreams always come true. He remembers seeing his father's death in a dream which eventually happened in reality. After seeing a doctor, he gets advice to stay away from traffic and cars, and the location where the accident had taken place in his dream.
Aveer and Kavya go to a silent place where they get cosy and eventually make out. They stay there for a couple of weeks until Aveer's depression relieves. On Kavya's birthday, they stop at a place where Kavya goes to buy roses. Kavya comes out with roses in her hands and gives one to a kid. It was the same place which Aveer had seen the car accident in his mysterious dream. Aveer realizes this, and when Kavya crosses the road, Aveer sacrifices his life and saves her from an accident.
Aveer's death takes place on Kavya's birthday. The film ends in a scene where Kavya sings a song in a crowd, which was her dream.
Ceremony | Category | Recipient | Result |
8th Dcine Awards 2016 | Best Dress | Bina Ghale | Won |
Best Cinematography | Purshottam Pradhan | Won | |
Best New Director | Bhuwan K.C. | Won | |
Best New Actress | Samragyee RL Shah | Won |
Anmol K.C,
Samragyee Shah
नाई नभन्नु ल
October 25, 2017
- Jiwan Luitel
- Suman Singh
- Richa Singh Thakuri as Ritu
- Mithila Sharma
- Mukesh Acharya
- Hemanta Budhathoki
Jiwan Luitel,
Love story,
Mithila Sharma,
Suman Singh
नाई नभन्नु ल २
October 25, 2017
Jiwan Luitel,
Love story,
Mithila Sharma,
Suman Singh
नाईं नभन्नू ल ३
October 25, 2017
Nepali Movie – Nai Nabhannu La 3
Starring – Aryan Sigdel, Priyanka Karki, Suraj Singh Thakuri, Anubhav Regmi, Sanchita Luitel etc.
Director – Muskan Dhakal
The third sequel of the popular Nai Nabhannu La franchise, ‘Nai Nabhannu La 3’ was also a superhit films like it’s predecessors ‘Nai Nabhannu La 2’ and ‘Nai Nabhannu La’. In this movie the direcotor Muskan Dhakal has debuted as a full director. In previous movies, Muskan used to work as assistant to Bikash Acharya. During the shooting of this movie Bikash was mourning and didn’t want to direct the movie. Bikash has directed the next in the sequel ‘Nai Nabhannu La 4’. The movie in in it’s post production phase now.
The movie is presentation of Bikash Acharya for One Time Cinema. The movie marks the comeback of Sanchita Luitel after an absence of half a decade. The movie was released in April, 2015.
Anubhav Regmi,
Aryan Sigdel,
Love story,
प्रियान्का कार्कि